HOMEVoice from partnersマレーシアMany people living in the neighborhood visit our trial venue every day.

Many people living in the neighborhood visit our trial venue every day.

It’s very lively. Our company is a sales agent in Malaysia for the SE-14000, the most up-to-date device. Many models of products from other Japanese manufacturers are also sold in Malaysia, but the SE-14000 is the most recent product to be certified in Japan. It has a slim appearance, and the fluorescent display is extremely easy to read. Its high-voltage output reaches up to 14,000V (peak value), so it has immediate effects. And there are no other products that can change frequency between 50 Hz to 90Hz. Our venue receives many visitors from the neighborhood every day, so it’s very lively. Many different kinds of people show up. Some are worried about their health, some feel actual pain in their knees and back, some suffer no particular pain, and some are just interested in health. I think they are able to enjoy themselves every day thanks to the SE-14000. I am really glad I decided to join the health industry because those who purchase the product end up with such wonderful smiles. There are very few types of sales that bring such joy after purchase, so I intend to keep working hard in the future so that I can see everyone’s smiles.

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    (Reception Hours: 10:00~17:00)